April 14, 2012

How to Electrocute Stress in Two-Minutes

We were teaching SpeedBraining to two-dozen 12-14 year olds.
The specific strategy was StressBusting - how to remove bad stress affecting your
decisions and behaviors and scaring the life out of you.

Question: By a show of hands, how many of you kids touch stress in any
meaningful way in your uneventful happy lives?

Twenty-four students raised their hands. Huh?

These youngsters passionately raised more than nine categories of lasting stress.
Some were:

a) guilt feelings induced by good-intentioned pushy parents;
b) anxiety produced by threatening teachers.
c) angst through relationships with the opposite gender;
d) fear of illness, disability (freakiness), and yes, early death.
e) panic about their Sats, interviews and work decisions.
f) hatred of their appearance. Ugly: too short or too tall. Too fat, or too skinny.
g) trouble sleeping, hallucinations and habitual tiredness and lack of energy
h) belief they have a retarded personality, character and do not fit in.
i) certainty they will disappoint their parents, teachers etc because they are talentless, lazy and losers. They suffer automatic Negative Thoughts (Ants)


Whenever I read an article, article or textbook more than two paragraphs long, the inquire pops out of my mind unbidden, what is in it for me? (Wiifm).
It is followed by - Why should I continue wasting my time reading this irrelevant junk? That is exactly right, I am egotistical and opportunistic. If you cannot show me how you can help me - our job here is done, Tonto. This article will show you (adults) how to trigger determined feelings and eliminate stress from your life.


Definition: biological reaction to adverse stimuli, (physical, mental and emotional),
internal or external, that bug you and burns down your comfort-zone.

Read on: lasting stress increases you heart rate, raises your blood pressure, and creates muscular tension, irritability and depression. It often produces headaches and dizziness, and loss of energy; it is a mental trigger for migraines.

You heard this all before?

Did you know that lasting stress (emotional strain, fatigue, worry and fear), is presently believed by some important scientists to be the physiological trigger for
heart disease, cancer and stroke?

How about: lasting stress inhibits your immune systems, can cut your longevity causing early aging, loss of memory and panic attacks.


Are you aware of a two-minute strategy to help eliminate lasting stress for up to four hours?

Grab a skin cream (vitamins A, D & E added) and slowly self massage your arms, hands (front and back), face, and neck. Take a deep diaphragmatic breath and
on exhaling slowly massage a specific area of your body. Move to someone else body part
and take someone else deep breath and work the cream as you slowly exhaling.

This two-minutes practice will move your brainwave rhythms from Beta to Alpha
within thirty-seconds (Eeg) and originate your immune systems, hormones,
enzymes and neuropeptides (fMri). It improves your pulmonary performance (breathing), slows your heart rate (parasympathetic nervous system), and helps reduces your blood pressure to your optimal rate.

Want to duplicate your benefits with the same two-minute strategy?

Have someone else homo sapiens massage your upper body and face gently.

You may also notice relief from muscle tension, headaches and stomach disorders. L
We suggest personal or mutual massage three-times weekly for additional
chronic stress relief. Will you invest two-minutes of your day?

Google Dr. Hans Selye and general Adaption Syndrome, published in 1936 in the journal, Nature. Dr. Selye published 41 books on Stress and the Fight-or-Flight
syndrome. He is more relevant in 2007 than when originally published.

Killer Strategy

Remember and use this strategy and heighten your life by up to 10 years.
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (Emdr) was industrialized by
Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1987. It is used by four thousand clinicians and
taught to two-million stressed out folks.

a) Can you see out of the corners of your eyes? It is your Peripheral Vision.

b) Try it by finding from the Edges of your eyes and mentally hearing
the Command Affirmation (subvocalization) Go Wide, Edges or
Lateral left and Lateral right. Look level ahead (driving your car)
yet take in the sides. See from the Edges of your left and right eyes (lateral left and lateral right) while focusing level ahead.

c) 95% of your waking hours (Beta consciousness) your sense of
vision is Foveal; it is acute, and a sharply focused narrow spectrum of your
Examples: reading, speaking face-to-face, surfing the Internet; add watching Tv, playing video games and Dvd movies.

d) Foveal foresight helps yield Dry Eye, headaches, and lasting stress because
of its lack of eye movement patterns.

The Two-Minute Solution

1. Mentally get ready for this strategy by conclusion your eyes and visualizing on the movie-screen of your mind a page of text that is not clear sufficient (indecipherable) to read the words.
Your job: two behaviors that appear a little loco but originate your brain structures for speed learning, long-term memory and comprehension.

2. Use your dominant hand index finger (usually right) as a Pacer to physically underline the sentences of this mental page. Move left-to-right, and return (diagonally) right-to-left down the page. practice your motor cortex and do it.

3. Move your head simultaneously while pacing the sentences left-to-right. Your eye movements are left-to-right and so are your head movements, spicy down the page. Repeat 5-7 times and then stop and open your eyes.

4. Now take your RasterMaster (handheld laser pacer) pen or computer cursor and do the same strategy (peripheral foresight eye movements) on a real page of text. We call it the Z for Zorro strategy or the Diagonal. Eyes opened and use #2 and #3.

5. Your Somatosensory Cortex is engaged when you use your hand while imaging or no ifs ands or buts reading. You are activating your sense of touch (kinesthetic-haptic right-brain) to reinforce your prefront cortex (proprioception, left-brain).

N.B. Triggering your visual cortex (reading), your auditory cortex (hearing), and your kinesthetic (touch) instead of just visual sense alone turns you into a killer learner.

6. Vestibulo-Auditory-Reflex (Vor) is an eye movement that stabilizes the words
read (on the retina) by head movements in the direction opposite to your head going left-to-right. It maintains the words you read in the center of your visual field.
See #2 and #3. You are reading 3-5 words at time instead of just the 1 of snailers.

N.B. It helps 3x your reading speed and 2x your long term memory.


Use the Vor (head) and Motor cortex (hand) strategies for two-minutes daily
and you will specialist speed reading fast and easily. It works like gangbusters.

And our work here is done, Tonto.

copyright © 2007
H. Bernard Wechsler

How to Electrocute Stress in Two-Minutes

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