March 6, 2012

Natural Flea Killer and Home Remedy For Fleas

Looking for a safe, non-toxic natural flea killer? What about one so safe it can also be used orally as a natural wormer? Diatomaceous earth flea control is the answer. It is the best natural flea remedy: a simple home remedy for fleas that beyond doubt works.

Paradoxically, in spite of qualified diatomaceous earth insecticide characteristics, De is thoroughly non-toxic to mammals. The toxicity of De is so low that it is not even counted as a foreign substance by the United States group of Agriculture when used in grain for weevil control. It is also approved for use on organic farms without affecting their organic certification.

Diatomaceous earth (De) is truly qualified and amazingly useful around the home and farm, but what is it exactly and how does it work?

It is comprised of the bodies of diatoms - tiny fossilized plant planktons laid down as maritime sediment 20 million or so years ago. There are a range of distinct grades of De, varying in purity and fineness.

Science has confirmed diatomaceous earth insecticide properties which work to physically kill insects of all kinds. The tiny diatoms are razor sharp and act to rupture insects' protective outer membranes. Because of its high silica content, the De then acts as a dessicant, killing the insect by drawing out its body moisture.

How To Use Diatomaceous Earth As A Natural Flea Killer

Dog kennels around the world are reporting expanding levels of resistance of fleas to chemical flea preparations. We turned to De when the usual back-line flea treatments stopped working for us. We had already used it successfully to control lice in our chickens, and found it just as efficient for natural flea control.

It is the simplest home remedy for fleas around. Just dust it lightly all over your pets, in their bedding and in areas they frequent. When applying to carpets, leave in for 3 days and use sparingly as heavy applications can play havoc with vacuum cleaners.

Be warned: the De formulated for swimming pools is Not an suitable substitute for the ultra-fine grade that is referred to here. Swimming pool De contains crystalline silica which can be dangerous to the respiratory law and is a potential poison.

Natural Flea Killer and Home Remedy For Fleas

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