March 21, 2012

Legal Prohormones

If you are a sports fan chances are that you watch Espn or some other sporting news show. Over the last few years, the news media has been obsessed with the use of performance improving drugs in sports. In 2005 Major League Baseball star Jose Canseco released his tell all book Juiced. In this whole one selling book Jose goes into information of the Big Leaguers who used steroids. This book not only set Mlb on fire, it also sent the whole sports world in flames. Mark Mcgwire, Sammy Sosa, and Barry Bonds were some of the high level players named along with countless of others in this contemporary day witch-hunt for doping in sports.

Many of these athletes never admitted to using steroids or other anabolic agents. However, it is widely known that many of these athletes including Mcgwire, used the legal prohormone androstenedione. Andro was a legal steroid alternative and was highly favorite in the 1990s. On March 12, 2004 the Anabolic Steroid Act was introduced to the United States Senate. It amended the Controlled Substance Act to place both anabolic steroids and prohormones on a list of controlled substances, manufacture proprietary of the banned substances a federal crime.

Luckily for us, scientists have industrialized other steroid alternatives that are legal and safe. Prohormones are a great increasing to your workout supplements. These anabolic boosters work and will pack on some serious muscle. It is common for a weight lifter to gain everywhere from 5-10 pounds of rock hard muscle while using the best prohormones with a solid diet and training regimen. Anabolic steroids are complex and have many long-term side effects.

Prohormones are very versatile and offer mountainous benefits for world-class athletes and quarterly Joes:

  • Increase Muscle Mass
  • Elevated strength levels
  • Boost Libido
  • Enhance training performance

If you buy legal prohormones know that they are a smart alternative to steroid cycles because of the health and legal risk. Steroids and other anabolic agents are now carefully a "Scheduled Iii" class drug in the legal system. That means in the eyes of the law, they are now on the same par as barbiturates, Lsd, vet tranquilizers like Ketamine and narcotic pain killers like Vicodin. proprietary of these muscle-building compounds can cost you up to 00 or even worse up to one year in jail! Spending a year in jail or writing a big check to the authorities shouldn't be a worry for any athlete or fitness enthusiast.

If you are an aging male and you suffer from low testosterone here are some issues you could face:

  • Depression
  • Low sex drive
  • Slow muscle recovery
  • Muscle loss
  • Low sex drive

If you suffer from ant of these conditions and are finding to boost your testosterone levels naturally, then buy legal prohormones which can be a great increasing to your anti aging arsenal. These muscle growth supplements will not only yield potential muscle but they will also give you that youthful feel that has been missing.

Legal Prohormones

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