February 14, 2012

Three Unique Animals We Must Emulate

Animals are creatures made by God for the advantage of mankind. A particular study of these beautiful creatures will show some wonderful characteristics which can become profitable to the keen observer. I have personally gained from undertaking a study of three of such animals and it is my satisfaction to share these facts with those who are eager to learn.


The eagle bird is one of the most beautiful birds in the whole world. It has some unique characteristics which sets it apart from the median birds in the sky. A close study of this animal will indicate the following:

  • strength - The eagle bird never gets tired of flying in the sky. This is a key lesson for those who are verily discouraged after some attempts. The more boisterous the wind, the more eager the eagle bird becomes.
  • vision - The eyes of an eagle can pick a target more than 2 kilometers away. They use this great vision in haunting for targets and getting away from danger. This obviously is an asset to the median entrepreneur who desires success in life. Every prosperous private must have a tangible vision which will resolve the path of greatness.
  • boldness - This wonderful vertebrate is never afraid of great heights. The higher it goes, the merrier it becomes. Fear is not in their nature, as they are all the time inevitable while flying.


The lion is presumably regarded as the King of the jungle because of its dominant nature. It can fight and defeat animals that are stronger and even bigger in size. The scripture has this to say in the book of Proverbs 28:1 - "the righteous is as bold as a lion"

This fearless vertebrate is so bold and fearless especially in the face of apparent danger. The fear factor is one of the killers of destinies among even believers. When it comes, it can cripple and paralyze a man from undertaking any meaningful task in life. Every believer is not born with the spirit of fear; rather we have been endowed with boldness, sound mind and love.


This is the smallest of all creatures, yet it is the most useful and proactive of all. I am all the time amazed at the work rate of the median ant, as it climbs over obstacles and enemy territories in hunt of food and basic necessities of life. A close watch of this wonderful vertebrate will indicate some useful characteristics

  • persistence
  • hard work
  • unity of purpose
  • love
  • wisdom

Every wise private must take a cue from these wonderful animals, as failure can spell doom for those who ignore them. Life is not all about what we read, but also what we see. What we see and apply in our life can finally sway our destiny in life.

Three Unique Animals We Must Emulate

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